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The Düben Collection Database Catalogue

Redigerad av Lars Berglund, Kia Hedell, Erik Kjellberg, Maria Schildt och Kerala J. Snyder

In 1987, Erik Kjellberg and Kerala J. Snyder agreed to produce a complete catalogue of the Düben collection as a joint project between the musicology departments of Uppsala University and the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester A first stage consisted of designing the database and entering the existing catalogued information into it. It was done by students in Rochester and Uppsala in the 1990s.

In 2003-2006 Riksbankens Jubileumsfond funded a larger project during which a database catalogue was completed and the manuscripts were digitized. It was published online in the autumn of 2006. In connection with the launch, a conference was arranged in Uppsala (The dissemination of music in seventeenth-century Europe: celebrating the Düben Collection: proceedings from the International Conference at Uppsala University 2006 (ed. by Erik Kjellberg, Bern: Peter Lang, 2010)).

In 2014 an additional grant was secured from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, to add the sub-collection of French stage music to the database catalogue. This was done by Maria Schildt, and the work was completed during 2017.

Contact: duben@musik.uu.se